Acne Face Map: What Are Your Breakouts Telling You?

acne acne vulgaris caffeine cortisol diet digestion emotional balance gut dysbiosis hormones inflammation stress Aug 18, 2022
Acne Face Map

Looking at yourself in the mirror first thing in the morning and seeing a brand-new zit on your skin is filled with so many emotions of shock, frustration, anger, and confusion. Where acne break outs are happening on your face is key to preventing them for good. Using a face map guide can help you learn this knowledge. Face mapping has been used for thousands of years in Traditional Chinese Medicine. It views the face as a map, with each section connecting to different organ systems in the body. What happens on the skin is a reflection of your internal health.


  1.  Small Intestine - This area of the face can be affected by poor diet, not enough sleep, dehydration, inadequate digestion, food allergies and increased stress levels. This area also gets congested easily from sweat.


  1.  Bladder - The area is affected by dehydration, a diet high in salt and caffeine. Increase your water and herbal tea intakes. Be aware that overtime many medications can negatively affect the kidneys/bladder.


  1.  Heart - Redness and blackheads on the nose and/or above the eyebrows indicates blockages in heart organ energy (Qi). An imbalance in the heart can be from mental agitation, insomnia, anxiety, poor blood circulation and blood pressure issues.


  1.  Liver - Between the eyebrows and temples relates to the liver. This area is affected by a toxin build up in the body as the liver play a major role in detoxification. The liver is most affected by stress, negative emotions, alcohol, caffeine and not enough sleep.


  1.  Kidneys - The area under the eyes relates to the kidneys. The kidneys manage bodily fluids and stress responses. Dark circles and puffiness under the eyes suggest dehydration, poor elimination, diet high in salt or excessive caffeine intake.


  1.  Stomach - This area is almost always related to diet. Dairy, gluten and sugar can be the main culprits.


  1.  Large Intestine - This area is related to how your body is eliminating. If you experience irregular bowel movements, this will create a build-up of toxins which get reabsorbed by the body into the bloodstream. You may also be experiencing an imbalance of gut bacteria.


  1.  Lungs - You may break out on your cheeks if you have allergies, asthma, if you smoke or have unresolved grief. Grief is the emotion related to the lungs in Chinese medicine.


  1.  Reproductive System - The chin and jawline areas relate to hormones and the ovaries. Pimples can be related to your menstrual cycle, stress, post-birth control pill or polycystic ovarian syndrome. Reducing inflammation in the body can help to start balancing your hormones.


Are you experiencing acne breakouts in multiple areas of the face? Remember that your body systems are connected. An imbalance in one system has a domino effect to eventually create imbalances in all of the other body systems.

Interested in how to heal your acne naturally? Look no further than Clear Skin Alchemy: The Natural Acne Solution. This 8-Week program will walk you through every step of the way on your acne healing journey. Feel confident, radiant and beautiful in your own skin. 

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