Alkalize Your Body for Healthy Skin
Sep 04, 2022
Our bodies are always working for us, striving to achieve a state of balance. Our bodies are happiest and thrive when everything is in balance. Our cells, organs, tissues, glands and organ systems all work to find a balance between acid and alkaline to keep us healthy and functioning optimally. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with the mid-point of 7 being defined as neutral. Any number below 7 is considered acidic and any number above 7 is alkaline. Our bloods pH level is a 7.4 making blood slightly alkaline.
Most people tend to be acidic because of the foods and beverages we eat and drink, our daily stressors, and our lifestyle choices pull us below a 7.4 pH, creating a more acidic environment within our cells, tissues and organs. An increased acidity in the body makes us more vulnerable to a host of diseases and illnesses. Specifically, when talking about skin health, the more acidic the body is the more inflammation that gets created and this contributes to acne, rosacea, psoriasis, eczema etc. When the body is more alkaline in pH, we can prevent unhealthy microbes from flourishing in the gut, tissues and organs from becoming damaged, having a compromised immune system and minerals from becoming depleted.
Our body does have the natural intelligence to correct minor pH imbalances. However, our bodies are not designed to handle the constant excess of sugar, food additives, chemicals, soft drinks, excessive meat consumption, unhealthy processed fats and acidic tap water.
The biggest contributor of an acid-alkaline imbalance in the body is from our diet. The grocery stores are overflowing with canned foods, trans fats, chemical additives, white sugar, white flour, artificial flavours and colours, preservatives, excess salt, mystery meats, all of which are acidic. You can think of acidic foods as foods that are the least nutrient-dense choices, lacking vitamins, minerals, and fibres that our bodies need. Eating a lot of nutrient-dense, alkalizing plant foods and limiting processed foods helps to alkalize the body.
4 Ways to Alkalize the Body for Healthy Skin
- Reduce your intake of acidic foods: processed deli meats, cold cuts, foods high in sodium and sugar, processed cereal grains like corn and wheat, fried foods, milk and dairy products, peanuts, white rice, bread and pasta, caffeine, alcohol
- Eat alkaline vegetables: artichokes, arugula, asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chives, collard greens, cucumber, endive, garlic, ginger, green beans, kale, leeks, lettuce, mustard greens, okra, onions, peas, bell peppers, radishes, rutabaga, spinach, sprouts, sweet potatoes, turnip, watercress, yams, zucchini
- Replace dairy that is acidic with alkalizing almond milk, green tea or alkaline water. Choose an almond milk that is unsweetened and without artificial ingredients.
- Deep breathing and meditation. Deep breathing makes us more alkaline as carbon dioxide is an acidic waste (we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide). When our body is in a state of stress, when tend to breath shallower in our chest instead of breathing deep into our lower lungs. When we breathe faster and shallower or hold our breath, we are creating a more acidic environment in the body.
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