Glowing Skin Green Juice

acne acne vulgaris acnenaturopath acnetherapy acnetreatment anti-inflammatory antioxidants cystic acne detox detoxification diet greens gut health healthyeating natural acne treatment nutrients skin health vitamin a vitamin c zinc Sep 12, 2022

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates (400 BC)

There is strong evidence to support the influence of nutrition on the health and vibrancy of your skin. Many nutrients help with the growth and immunity of your skin. There are many vitamins, minerals and antioxidant components in our food that helps to support acne healing. These vitamins, minerals and antioxidants have the power to help fight inflammation and free radicals, improve wound healing (acne scars), inhibit oil gland activity, suppress androgen formation and fight off bacteria with their anti-bacterial properties. These nutrients and foods can be found in the "Glowing Skin Green Juice." This green juice can help prevent acne breakouts and leave your skin feeling healthy and glowing. 

Green juice is very hydrating for the skin. It contains water-rich foods such as celery, cucumber, and apples. Being hydrated allows the skin to function properly and for essential nutrients to reach the skin through proper blood flow. Being hydrated also allows toxins in the body to be flushed out of our body (through our kidneys and intestines).


Ingredients in the Glowing Skin Green Juice & Their Benefits

Juicing is a great way to add extra skin healing nutrients into your day!

Spinach - high in antioxidants for the skin: vitamin A, vitamin C and plant components quercetin for decreasing inflammation 

Lemon – high in vitamin C, supports digestion and liver health, enhances immune system functioning 

Ginger – anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties 

Cucumber – hydrating for the skin

Granny Smith apple – hydrating & packed with beneficial skin nutrients: vitamin A, and vitamin C 

Celery – hydrating & healthy skin nutrients: vitamin A, B and C, zinc and magnesium

Parsley – rich in vitamin A, C and K

Cilantro – binds to toxic heavy metals


Green Juice Recipe 

1 bunch of spinach (can also substitute with kale or Swiss chard)

2 large lemons, peeled and quartered

1-inch ginger, peeled

1 large cucumber, halved and cut into strips

3 large Granny Smith apples, cored and sliced

5 celery stalks

1 handful of parsley or cilantro


Wash and prep fruits & veggies before juicing. Keep juice in the fridge in an airtight container, and drink juice within 72hours.


Juicing Tips:

Don’t throw away the pulp left over – it’s high in fibre and you can use it to make muffins!

Drink green juice on an empty stomach for enhancing the absorption of nutrients. I recommend to drink your green juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Wait 20 minutes before consuming other foods. 



Happy Juicing, 

Interested in how to heal your acne naturally? Look no further than Clear Skin Alchemy: The Natural Acne Solution. This 8-Week program will walk you through every step of the way on your acne healing journey. Feel confident, radiant and beautiful in your own skin. 

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