Kirtan Kriya Meditation

breaking habits developing intuition emotional balance kirtan kryia kundalini yoga mantra meditation spiritual cleanser yoga Dec 31, 2021
Kirtan Kriya is a meditation technique from kundalini yoga, that can clear and restructure the subconscious mind. Kundalini yoga is a well-known ancient art practiced for over a thousand years that helps to awaken your kundalini energy. In fact the goal of all yoga is to awaken kundalini energy. This kundalini energy balances the chakra and meridian systems within the body, and allows you to access the full potential of your nervous and glandular systems.
Kirtan Kriya is a singing exercise using the mantra (sounds) SA TA NA MA.
SA: birth, beginning, infinity
TA: life, existence
NA: death, change, transformation of consciousness
MA: rebirth, regeneration
When you use these sounds your tongue hits the upper palate in your mouth, which helps stimulate 84 acupuncture meridian points to create biochemical changes in the brain.
This powerful mantra has the ability to break habits and addictions because it accesses the level of the mind where habits are created. It can provide emotional balance and help to keep you centred, focused and to develop intuition. It is said to be a very powerful spiritual cleanser to allow you to release and let go of what is no longer serving you. Research studies have found that Kirtan Kriya meditation can improve memory, brain chemistry, reduces stress and increases longevity by reversing the cellular aging process.
During this meditation try your best to be present with whatever you are experiencing without avoiding or controlling your experience. Whatever you experience is okay and allow yourself to move through whatever emotions may arise. It is all a part of the cleansing process.
Sit with a straight spine and bring your mental focus to the brow point.
Chant the mantra: SA TA NA MA. While chanting alternately press the thumb with the four fingers in various mudra positions, use firm pressure to keep yourself awake and present.
SA: the index finger touches the thumb
TA: the middle finger touches the thumb
NA: the ring finger touches the thumb
MA: the little finger touches the thumb
Visualize the constant flow of energy as you chant each syllable of the mantra, flowing from the crown chakra out through the brow point.
For an 11-minute practice chant the SA TA NA MA mantra:
OUTLOUD (2 minutes)
Strong audible WHISPER (2 minutes)
MENTALLY vibrate in silence (3 minutes)
WHISPER (2 minutes)
OUTLOUD (2 minutes)
At the end inhale, holding your breath at the top, then exhale. Stretch and shake your arms and fingers out over your head.
This powerful meditation works, all you have to do is do it! You can trust the process and the technology behind the Kirtan Kriya. It is recommended to practice this meditation for 40 days, as yogic science confirms that it takes 40 days to fully develop a new life-promoting habit or to drop a current destructive habit. 40 days of yoga or meditation allows you to access the mind at a subconscious level to overcome the cycles of the mind and reactive habits.
Listen to my audio recording of Kirtan Kriya here to guide you through this meditation

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