4 Popular Supplements That Cause Acne and Make Acne Worse
Sep 28, 2022
Have you ever noticed a correlation between breaking out with acne and starting a new supplement? Have you ever wondered if the supplements you’re taking are causing your acne? In this blog post you will learn about 4 researched supplements shown to cause acne breakouts and worsen acne in those with acne-prone skin.
1. Whey Protein
Whey protein is derived from milk. Whey is strongly correlated with acne nodules that can appear on the face and upper trunk.
Whey protein, being a dairy product, can increase insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). IGF-1 can cause acne breakouts by increasing androgen hormones and oil production on the skin.
2. Vitamin B12
High levels of vitamin B12, from over supplementing, can lead to acne. High amounts of vitamin B12 in multivitamins or injections can also worsen those with existing acne-prone skin.
Elevated vitamin B12 levels in the body can trigger acne bacteria (c. acnes) to release inflammatory molecules. These inflammatory molecules contribute to inflammatory acne.
One research study on vitamin B12 shows that elevated B12 levels in the body can actually alter the gene expression of the skin microbiota, leading to increased inflammatory molecules and acne development.
It is best to monitor your vitamin B12 levels with your healthcare provider to determine the necessity of needing to supplement with vitamin B12.
3. Biotin
Biotin (vitamin B7) is a common supplement used for the health of your hair, skin and nails. The problem arises when you have too much biotin in the body.
Too much biotin can affect the absorption of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid). Vitamin B5 helps to regulate your skin barrier and oil production. Deficiencies in vitamin B5 can lead to acne flare ups.
You need both biotin and pantothenic acid for healthy skin. What happens in the body is that biotin and pantothenic acid compete at the same receptors for absorption. When you have too much biotin in the body, it is difficult for pantothenic acid to compete and bind to the receptors for absorption.
4. Iodine
Iodine-related acne can be connected to the use of kelp supplements and multivitamins, causing inflammatory pustules on the face. The multi-vitamin that you are taking may actually be doing more harm than good for your skin.
It has been hypothesized that the connection between acne and milk is due to the iodine content in milk.
What to Look for in Your Supplements
The idea of why we take supplements is to make our bodies and skin healthier. But what if your supplements are making your skin and acne worse? Your supplements may be doing more harm than good. When choosing supplements it’s important to know what the ingredients are, if there are any fillers, if your supplement has been third party tested. It is important to check with your naturopathic doctor or health care provider on which supplements are best to take for your health and acne.
Check the ingredient list on the labels of your supplements. If you are dealing with acne, be aware of the four supplements mentioned above: whey protein, vitamin b12, biotin and iodine as ingredients in your supplements. It’s important to check the label for any fillers. Fillers are non-therapeutic ingredients such as sugar labeled as confectioner’s sugar, corn syrup, dextrose, or sorbitol. Also watch out for other fillers like food colourings (red 40, yellow 6, blue 2 etc.) hydrogenated oils, and titanium dioxide. These fillers and additives can burden your liver and lead to an accumulation of toxins that are normally easy to process for the liver. As a result, anything making your liver sluggish (toxins), can show up on the skin as acne and inflammation.
Third-party certifications are important when buying supplements, to ensure they are up to good quality standards. Not all supplements are created equal. Third-party certifications involve inspections and testing of manufacturing sites, raw materials, and finished products. Even finished products can be tested to ensure the strength, concentration, and weight is accurately listed on the label. Third-party testing also ensures a product is free of contaminants like heavy metals, pesticides or bacteria.
In an ideal world if we were eating a perfectly nutritious diet, we would not need supplements. However, the quality of our food has changed overtime with our soil being more depleted of nutrients, and our food containing pesticides. Because we are exposed to so many chemical’s day to day, our body’s need proper nutrients to support the detoxification processes in the body. Good quality professional grade supplements can support the detoxification process in the body that may need some extra support. Supplements can also help with any nutritional deficiencies you may have. I do believe that you pay for what you get with supplements. It is a worthwhile investment for your health to pay for good quality supplements. Remember not all supplements are created equally.
What Supplements to Choose for Acne?
In my Clear Skin Alchemy: The Natural Acne Solution 8-week program, I suggest many acne friendly supplements to support clear skin. These supplements are professional grade supplements, third party tested and free of any acne causing ingredients, additives and fillers!
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Interested in how to heal your acne naturally? Look no further than Clear Skin Alchemy: The Natural Acne Solution. This 8-Week program will walk you through every step of the way on your acne healing journey. Feel confident, radiant and beautiful in your own skin.
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