The Power of Meditation
Jun 15, 2022
Meditation uses a wide range of techniques (breath work, use of mantras, visualization) for training the mind to promote relaxation and quiet the mind. Meditation helps us to look within ourselves and to bring awareness to our thoughts and feelings for observation without judgment. We can choose to let our thoughts float by like clouds in the sky when we notice them and choose to not place our energy and attention on these thoughts. Where our focus goes, our energy flows and can grow.
Meditation takes time and practice just like any other skill you are trying to cultivate and develop. It's like a muscle that needs to be trained in order to notice changes and benefits. Just like at the gym we work out our physical muscles, meditation is for building our mental fitness muscles. Meditation is a practice that when done consistently for 10-15 minutes daily, can help you to become less reactive in your life to stressors and emotional patterns that may arise. Meditation helps to bring you back into the present moment instead of keeping you stuck in your emotional past or anxious future.
A mantra means "to transcend the mind." A mantra is a spiritual sound, word or phrase that is repeated while meditating. You can use affirmations that inspire you like "I am abundant" or use a sanskrit mantra such as Aham Prema meaning "I am love". Visualizations can help one heal from the past or prepare us for the future. Visualizations can be used before a public speaking event or sporting event to imagine yourself achieving the outcome you desire. There are various breathing techniques that can be used during a meditation practice such as breath of fire, alternate nostril breathing, Ujjayi or Ocean's Breath, inhaling and exhaling on a count of 4 etc.
Neuroplasticity is defined as brain changes that occur in response to learning or an experience. Meditation can help create new neuronal connections (neuroplasticity) in the brain. These new brain connections are associated with promoting more positive thoughts and emotions when dealing with stress, anxiety, anger, sadness etc. Numerous studies have shown many beneficial effects that meditation has on overall brain functioning.
Neuroscientists found that people who meditate shift their brain activity to different areas of the cerebral cortex. Brain waves in the right frontal cortex (the stress-prone area) move to the left frontal cortex (the calmer area). This shift in brain wave activity enables one to adapt more effectively to the negative effects of stress, mild depression and anxiety. The amygdala is where the brain processes fear and meditation has been shown to reduce activity to this brain area. Meditation works to strengthen the brain areas connected to attention and concentration.
Research conducted on Tibetan monks has pinpointed the left prefrontal cortex as being associated with intense brain activity while meditating. This area of the brain is associated with self-control, happiness and compassion. The study looked at Tibetan monks brain activity while meditating and the monks included in the study had meditated for an estimated 10,000 to 50,000 hours over a period of 10 to 40 years. The monks were asked to meditate on unconditional compassion, which elicited greater activation of gamma waves. Gamma waves are the fastest brain waves produced inside the brain (above the frequency of neuronal firing). These brain waves are associated with peak concentration and high levels of cognitive functioning. Gamma waves become highly activated in states of universal love, altruism and compassion. People with high levels of gamma wave activity are happier, calmer and more at peace.
Results from the Tibetan monks also showed their brain wave movement being far better organized and coordinated compared to individuals who did not meditate. The monks also began the study with more gamma wave activity before they even began to meditate. This concludes that mediation can produce permanent long term changes to brain plasticity as well as short term changes.
Short term benefits of meditation include: lowering blood pressure, improving blood circulation, slowing down fast heart rates, reducing stress and anxiety, lowering blood cortisol levels and increasing feelings of well being. Biomarkers of stress and inflammation such as C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin 6 and cortisol were all shown to be lowered from a consistent meditation practice. Individuals that have a regular practice of meditating were found to feel significantly less pain than non-meditators, which can be implemented into a pain management protocol for those suffering with chronic pain. There has been remarkable research in the last decade that shows how a daily meditation practice can slow down the aging process by conserving the brains grey matter from age related degeneration. This is huge, as meditation can reduce stress and inflammation which are major triggers for aging. The total number of hours a person practices meditation correlates with the scale of brain wave activity changes.
Happy Meditating,
Dr. Julie
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